Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I just got an email saying there is $11,946 in the account and she just got another $1000 that she needs to add to it.  Pretty exciting.  So all together we have raised $15,000!!!

I am planning a garage sale that my parents will be hosting this summer and currently working on sending out letters to fellow PTs and PTAs around the US.

Yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of Kerri's passing.  We miss you everyday Kerri and I will continue to raise funds until we reach our goal and make your wish come true of leaving a lasting legacy.  

Thank you Kerri for making me a better person!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

This is exciting! 
I just set up a GoFundMe site to make it easier for people to donate and I have already gotten two donations!
If you would like to donate please visit:
if you would like to make a tax deductible donation please visit:
click "give now" then pick "named scholarships" then "kerri foland scholarship"
then follow the directions to finish the donation.
Thank you for helping us make Kerri's wish come true of leaving a lasting legacy!